As we sail out of the harbor, I'm not sure what I'm feeling, just praying I don't puke. There, I've said it. The plan is for Kevin and I to hoist sails once we get out into the wind . . . "let's do this!" Tristan, the ship's mate, gives us instructions on what to do, and at the end of the hoist, he comes over to finish off the last few tugs and tie the rope. With each tug we are to yell "heave" with him. I'm having a blast, not thinking of anything other than my task, and I have no urge to heave my breakfast back up, so that's a plus!

The day couldn't have been better, the weather perfect, and the sensation of simply floating on the water, powered only by Mother Nature's breeze was incredible! It was quiet, thrilling, and something I want to do again. Captain Aaron's family has been in Maine well before it was called Maine. He has deep roots, lots of stories to share, and a beautiful ship named the Schooner Olad.

I'm so thankful that I'm challenged on a regular basis and get to experience things out of my comfort zone. We get to meet people like Capt. Aaron and Tristan, go places like Camden, ME, and sail into the mystic! Ha!
Watch this week's episode of RV There Yet? TV on MotorTrend TV, Saturday at 7 a.m. (ET/PT) and see the beautiful schooner for yourself.
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